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Skills Development in a Highly Changing Era: The Skills Model

In the May 2023 Webinar, the third Webinar of 2023, Roy Ramires, Training and Technology Services Manager – INA – Costa Rica, talked to us about Skills Development in a Highly Changing Era. An engrossing conversation.

Participation in WorldSkills International Competitions and their impact and benefits for vocational training processes.

This April 2023, continuing the 2023 Webinars, we had the honor to hear the words of our friend Yesid Rusinque, Professional of the Vocational Training Directorate of SENA – Colombia and Vice President for technical affairs of WorldSkills Americas, talking about his experience in International Competitions.

WorldSkills Chile: a private foundation at the service of Technical Vocational Training

In March 2023, our first Webinar of 2023, we heard from our friend, Arsenio Fernandéz, President of the Worldskills Chile foundation, sharing his experience.

Dual System of Higher Technical Education – Sharing experiences. – El Salvador

In November, our last Webinar of this year 2022, we had the honor of hearing the experience of our friend from El Salvador, Ovanio Humberto Avalos, Director of the ITCA-FEPADE Specialized School of Engineering, sharing his experience and that of El Salvador on the Dual System of Higher Technical Education.

Value Chains: An Opportunity for Labor and Educational Reconversion – Costa Rica

In our October 2022 Webinar we heard the words of our guest from Costa Rica, Xochitl Barboza Nerio, Training Management and Technological Services Advisor at INA – Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje, start a conversation about Value Chains: An opportunity for Reconversion Labor and Education

National Qualifications System and the Internationalization of Vocational Training Processes – Colombia

In our September 2022 Webinar we heard the words of our friend from Colombia, MANUEL ANTONIO MONTENEGRO MIER, Accessor of the Qualifications Group of SENA – National Learning Service, in a conversation about the National Qualifications System and the Internationalization of Vocational Training Processes

PISA: Standards for Quality Tachnical Training

Resuming our Webinars in the second half of 2022, in August we had the pleasure of welcoming Raimundo Larraín Hurtado, Academic Director of SNA Educa in Chile, who presented us with the theme: PISA: Standards for Quality Technical Training.

How to Convert Mass Assesments to Digital Format?

This month of June 2022 we have the great honor of receiving two speakers from UFRO – Universidad de la Frontera do Chile, Christián Labbé and Enrique Hinostroza, that collaborated enriching our Webinars with this important and current topic: How to Convert Mass Assesments to Digital Format?

New Technologies / New Professions – Focus: Cyber Security e Inteligência Artificial

In another episode of our series of Webinars with the theme “New Technologies / New Professions”, in May 2022 we had the contribution of the Director of the SENAI School of Computer, Professor Maurício Bonabitacola with the theme “Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence”.

New Technologies / New Professions – Focus: Industry 4.0

In this last month of April 2022, continuing the series of Webinars with the theme “New Technologies / New Professions”, we brought the theme “Industry 4.0”, presented by the Director of the Faculty of Mechatronic Technology SENAI “Armando de Arruda Pereira”, the Professor Osvaldo Luiz Padovan.

New Technologies / New Professions – Focus: IoT – Internet of Things

Starting our 2022 Webinars, we will present a series of Webinars with the theme “New Technologies / New Professions”, with the first one in March focusing on “Iot – Internet of Things”, presented by the Coordinator of the Faculty SENAI of Technology “Mariano Ferraz”, Professor José Ricardo da Silva.

The Vocational Education System of the United Arab Emirates

In November 2021 we received in our Webinar Mr. Ali Al Marzouqi who spoke about the UAE’s Vocational Education System.

Achieving Excellent Performance at WorldSkills

In September we had the opportunity to get to know the experience of Prof. Fernando Telli and Prof. George Oliveira that led to success in WorldSkills training and competitions

Skills Competitions – What Impact are we looking for Globally, Regionally and Nationally

This month we had the honor of receiving the President of WorldSkills Europe, Ms. Dita Traidas as she shared her knowlege and experience on this topic of great relevance to all involved in TVET and the WorldSkills Movement.

Planning your Presentations

This was the theme of our last Webinar where Prof Alexssandro Reginato, Director of SENAI School Ricardo Lerner talks us through what it takes to give a virtual presentation in 2021. Join us and update your Skills for this new age.


Socioemotional Skills

Join us and Marcio Vieira Marinho Director of the Technology College and SENAI School Antonio Adolpho Lobbe as he shares with us the importance of Socioemotional Skills with up-to-date guidelines and advise for modern times.

The Contribution of Training Processes for Work, in the Strengthening of the Orange Economy, as a Boost to Employment and Productivity of Companies in Colombia

Mrs. Nidia Jeanette Gomez Pérez, Director of Professional Training of SENA Colombia explains the Orange Economy, a productive sector of the economy based on arts and culture, explaining its creation and benefits.

From Automation and Globalization to Digitalization: The Importance of Professional Education for Social and Economic Transformation

Three speakers from Festo Didactic from Germany share great knowledge and experience as well as some updates from Festo.

Speakers: Dr. sc. ETH Theodoros Ktistakis – Executive Vice President Americas at Festo Didactic

Elfi Klumpp Head of Partnership Development for Global Education

Simone Schmid (M.Sc.) STE(A)M and Bionics Education

Evaluation of the Excellence of a Professional Education Project

See our latest webinar, the first one in 2021, Evaluation of the Excellence of a Professional Education Project, shared with us by the speakers Claudio Oliveira and Felipe Caloca from the Alumni Association of the SENAI Swiss-Brazilian unit.

Professional Transformation in the Automation of Agriculture

Watch our latest webinar with speaker Reginaldo Dias de Souza, SENAI School Director, shares his
experience and talks about the possibilities and benefits of retraining
rural workers for the technological age.


The Role of Professional Education in the Economic Inclusion of People with Disabilites

Watch our webinar with speaker Helvecio Siqueira de Oliveira as he shows the work that can be done to benefit people with disabilities and create a more inclusive economy and labour market. 


The 2020 Contingency: “An Opportunity for Adaptation and Growth”

Get to know the proposal of the Skills Competition in virtual format of WorldSkills Chile.

See our Webinar with the speakers Claudia Gálvez and Jorge Arismendi who detailed how the National Competition of Chile will be developed for this year based on the 2020 Contingency.

Watch our Webinar presented by our President Rafael Lucchesi – SENAI Observatory of New Professions and Technological Trends

Watch the Webinar of our President Rafael Lucchesi – SENAI Observatory of New Professions and Technological Trends recoreded on August 13 for an audience from throughout our Member Countries.

Use the closed caption function to see translations in English.