Board of Directors 2015 – 2018
Rafael Lucchesi – Brasil
He has a degree in Economics from the Federal University of Bahia and is Professor of Economics at State University of Feira de Santana, in Bahia, Brazil.
At present, Mr. Lucchesi is Director of Education and Technology of the Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI) and Director General of SENAI (National Industrial Training Service) in Brazil.
He has held the post of Director of Operations of CNI between 2007 and 2010 and is the former Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation of the State Government of Bahia (2003-2006). He presided the National Council of Secretaries of Science and Technology (CONSECTI) between 2005 and 2006, and from 1996 to 2002, he was the Superintendent of Instituto Euvaldo Lodi – IEL in Bahia.
As Director General of SENAI, Mr. Lucchesi has been appointed as the Official Delegate of Brazil to the WorldSkills International and he is a Member of Board of Trustees for WorldSkills Foundation..
Vice President for Special Affairs
Arsenio Fernández Calatayud – Chile
He has developed labor activities related to the Technical Training since 1985, serving until 1997 as Director of successive establishments of Technical Education High School with specialty farming technique, in the Liceo Agrícola de la Patagonia in Coyhaique, the agricultural school of Molina and Pascual Baburizza Agricultural Institute.
Since 1998 and until 2006 he assumes the function of Manager of Administration and Finance from Educational Corporation of the National Society of Agriculture, taking the responsibility of General Manager since 2007.
He graduated Agricultural Engineer at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile in 1979, and has done graduate in Business Administration in Talca and Chile’s Catholic Universities. In 2015 he shared responsibilities in the creation of the WorldSkills Chile Foundation, of which he is President.
Also developed public functions, and he served in the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of the Interior of Chile, and in private as the Manager of a Fruit Company.
Vice President for Strategic Affairs
Jorge Ignácio Luna Becerra – Mexico
Official delegate from Mexico at Worldskills Americas since 2013, elected Vice President of Strategic Affairs in the General Assembly of may 2015. Managed the reactivation of Mexico as a full member of WorldSkills International. With 52 years old and extensive experience in the private sector, begins his career as a Public Employee taking various positions as: Mayor of Salamanca city, in Guanajuato; Delegate of the Federal Consumer Attorney in Guanajuato; local Deputy in the Congress of Guanajuato State, in the LVIII legislature, presiding over Commissions for Economic Development and Public Works, Manager of the Chemical Industry.
Since 2012 is Director of Technical Professional Education College of Guanajuato State, where he highlights his penchant for highly effective organizations, being its distinctive seal in their management, inspiring the Mexican Delegation on its participation at WorldSkills São Paulo 2015, contributing to a delegation that will compete in 18 skills.
Vice Chair of Strategy Committee
Ileana Leandro – Costa Rica
Has been working in educational training system since 1996 as teacher, coordinator, manager of curriculum planning and evaluation, Director of Technical Unit for Food Industrial Sector of INA – Costa Rica, where she was responsible of six subtechnical units related to the various processes comprising food industrialization, keeping close relation with Food Industrial Sector, as well as representatives Chambers, public entities for Disease Control and Higher Education.
She is currently the Technology Manager of INA – Costa Rica and is on charge of 12 technical units which investigates and develops training and vocational services for the various economic and productive sectors in the country. Her experience includes 2 International Competition, 5 National Competition as Evaluator of Gastronomy. She has degree in Teach Administration and has experience on Vocational Training, design and curricular evaluation and Quality Management Systems.
Vice President for Technical Affairs
Scott Norman – Unite States of America
Scott Norman has been working in the transportation industry since 1988 starting as an automotive technician with an automotive associate’s degree. He received his bachelor’s degree in automotive technology before being employed by both General Motors and Chrysler Corporation. He spent 14 years as an educator of automotive technicians before earning a Master’s degree in College Teaching and moving into the university environment in 2007. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Automotive Technology at Pittsburg State University.
His experience with skills competitions started in 1997 as an Expert in Automotive Technology for the SkillsUSA National Contest. He became Chief Expert of that skill in 2007. He became a trainer of the USA WorldSkills automotive technology competitor for the 2009 WorldSkills contest and the Automotive Technology Expert for the first WorldSkills Americas in 2010.
In 2011, he was an Official Observer at the 2011 WorldSkills, and in 2012 was named Technical Delegate for the USA. For the second WorldSkills Americas in 2012, he was the Jury President in 5 different Skill areas. Professor Norman has been involved in more than 25 different skills contests at the state, national, and international level and is currently working toward an Education Specialist Degree in Workforce Development.
Vice Chair of Technical Committee
Yesid Rusinque – Colombia
I am professional in Systems Engineering from the National Engineering of Colombia and count with an MBA from the same entity.
I joined the National Learning Service (SENA) of Colombia in 1995, specifically at Electricity, Electronics and Telecommunications Centre of Bogotá to work in the development and implementation of these entity’s information system, then having the wonderful opportunity to be instructor in areas of Computer Networks System, Softwares Development and Computer Equipment Maintenance.
In 2001 joined to the Vocational Training Department of the General Board, which participated in the development of innovate, high- impact projects for the SENA as virtual training, mobile and itinerant classes, the TecnoParques Network and the implementation of Information and Communications Technologies tools (ICT) to strengthen the training processes.
Between 2010 and 2013 I was Coordinator of Innovation Technology Group to training SENA, which was appointed to the Strategy Management of WorldSkills Colombia in 2011, from which time has been performing the Technical Delegate of Colombia in the WorldSkills Americas and WorldSkills International.
I am convinced that skills and abilities wings are a powerful tool to improve the quality of the SENA training processes as they allow us to measure with similar entities from other countries and recognize the best worldwide practice, and identify high technologies and global trends of different sectors of knowledge. However, I believe the greatest contribution is the opportunity to form networks of contacts that help create synergies and collaborative work among different members, to improve the training processes, providing the productive sector of high quality and relevance apprentices to encourage the development our countries.
Vice President for Vocational Education and Training Affairs
Maura Corporán Solano – Dominican Republic
Mrs. Corporán has 25 years experience in the field of Education and Training, of which 20 correspond to work at the National Training Institute (INFOTEP) Dominican Republic. During that period of time has played eight (8) positions, from technical level to Management. He currently serves as Manager of Standards and Technical Development.
Among the responsibilities of the Mrs. Corporán is to advance the technology development projects and teaching, applied to vocational training, in this sense from the level it leads has been responsible for promoting and establishing the system of competency-based training and virtual training for INFOTEP. The most recent project is the involvement of INFOTEP in international technology events as WorldSkills Americas, serving as a technical delegate at the 2010 Competition in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She is currently Vice Chairman of Education and Training of WorldSkills Americas.
She holds a Bachelor in Psychology, Master degree in Public Administration and Education Sciences with specialization in Curriculum, Instruction and Technology. She has also held various national and international trainings as Vocational Training, Training and Employment, Productivity, Quality Management, Project Management, Implementation of Information Technology and Communication Training and Systems Training and Competence Certification under Labor and others.
Vice Chair of Vocational Education and Training Committee
Nadine Leachman – Jamaica
Mrs. Nadine Leachman – Regional Director, Ministry of Education – Jamaica has served as an educator for the past twenty nine years (29) years with special focus on Technical Vocational Education (TVE) at the high school level. The special areas of service covered, teacher, head of department, curriculum developer, assessor of external examinations s Education Officer with special supervisory responsibilities for (TVE) in schools. Her substantive role as Senior Education Officer in the Ministry of Education involves the coordinating and planning for programmes at the high school level.
She has participated in worldskills at the nation level since 2004, the Skills of the Americas in Brazil in 2010 and is currently the Jamaican Technical Delegate for Worldskills International.
She holds a Bachelor of Education degree in Home Economics Education, A Masters degree in Education and is currently reading for a PhD in Educational Administration.
Vice President for Marketing and Institutional Relations Affairs
Vinicio Morales – Guatemala
Has working on vocational training for 26 years, starting with the design and production of educational material written, audio, video, and educational models. Was in charge of the Multimedia Center and Design of General Programs in Technical Division of INTECAP. Was responsible for the Image, Publicity and Communications of the INTECAP during 8 years and is currently responsible for the international relations of the INTECAP, in Guatemala. In the WorldSkills has been the Official Delegate and has coordinated internal competitions of Guatemala. The personal field staff is an architect and has a degree in Art, being the author, director and professor of dramatic art multi-awarded nationally. Developed the curriculum of the course in the specialties of Graphic Design degree in Multimedia and Editorial on the three centennial Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Values deeply knowledge management, as well as the Ethical, Moral and Professional Values in Vocational Training.
Vice Chair of Marketing and Institutional Relations Committee
Eleno Agapito Bron Gonzáles – Paraguay
Has been working in the vocational training system SNPP, since 1991 as a teacher in Industrial electronic, computer programming and Industrial Process control, coordinator, principal of a technical school of CPP-PJ, units vocational training of SNPP in the City of San Lorenzo – Paraguay, where normally graduating 8,000 students per year.
He was the Paraguayan Technical Delegate in Rio do Janeiro 2010, and has held the position of Jury in Refrigeration skills. For WorldSkills Americas he was elected as Vice Chair of Marketing and Institutional Relations Affairs.
He has a technical degree in Electrical , and has a specialization in Industrial Process control as well as Quality Management system.
Carlos Eyharchet – Argentina
Works on Technical Education and Vocational Training since 1975 as a professor in both educational levels. Since 1993 works as Director of a Vocational Training Center in Buenos Aires city. Has been responsible for the coordination and development of the formation of distinct training projects for unemployed workers. He was responsible for the implementation of National Competition of Professional Training for the construction industry between the year of 2010 and 2014. Acts as Official Delegate of Argentina at the WorldSkills International since 2010. A member of the Board of WorldSkills Americas from 2015. Since 2004 is Manager of a network of Educational Institutions and Work of Fundación UOCRA, which counts with 31 Professional Training Centers and more than 20 Institutions of Primary and Secondary Education of adults in different regions of the country which subscribes annually more than 17,000 students. He graduated as a Specialist in Administration of Educational Entities, holds a degree in Labor Relations.
Chief Executive Officer
Roberto Monteiro Spada – Brazil
Has been working in the vocational training system since 1974 as a teacher, coordinator, curriculum planning division manager, principal of a technical school and as Technical Director of SENAI – São Paulo, Brazil where he was in charge of 160 vocational training units including apprenticeship and technical and technological levels which represent about 863,000 enrolments per year. He is currently Director of External Relations of SENAI – São Paulo.
His experience includes 11 international, 11 national Brazilian and 11 São Paulo regional competitions. In WorldSkills International, he was the Brazilian Technical Delegate until 2009, and has held the position of Jury President in many skills for several Competitions. He became Vice President Special Affairs for term from 2007 to 2011 and was re-elected for a second term from 2012 to 2015.
For WorldSkills Americas he was elected as Chief Executive Officer. He has a degree in Mathematics, Physics and has a specialization in Quality of Education as well as Automation Manufacturing